T.I.'s Road to Redemption-- Season 1, Episode 8 (01x08)
Episode Information
Title:Season 1, Episode 8
Episode #:01x08
1x08 | 4 Days to Go
T.I. is slowing down to the end of his Road To Redemption with only a few days left before incarceration. T.I. has helped so many teens in the past few weeks but now it's time to focus on one last case- himself. T.I. talks about his downward spiral into a life of drugs, money, and jail. Eventually, T.I. was caught in a parking lot trying to buy machine guns and silencers. In order to redeem himself, T.I. met with 7 teens on the same wrong path he was on as a kid.
Supernova: DivX
Episode Information
Title:Season 1, Episode 8
Episode #:01x08
1x08 | 4 Days to Go
T.I. is slowing down to the end of his Road To Redemption with only a few days left before incarceration. T.I. has helped so many teens in the past few weeks but now it's time to focus on one last case- himself. T.I. talks about his downward spiral into a life of drugs, money, and jail. Eventually, T.I. was caught in a parking lot trying to buy machine guns and silencers. In order to redeem himself, T.I. met with 7 teens on the same wrong path he was on as a kid.
Supernova: DivX
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